Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Making Candy Canes

Our kids are at such a fun age right now. Matt is a great brother and friend and still likes to play with his little brothers (which I know won't always be the case), Chase mentions his birthday and Christmas multiple times a day and is so excited about them, and Kamron is walking all over wanting to be involved in whatever his brothers are doing. So this year, we decided to get a little more organized for Christmas and to do a lot of fun things with the kids. Tim used to make candy canes at a friend's house when he was younger, so he wanted to try it out with the kids. We got Strawberry, butterscotch, and watermelon flavoring.

The boys with all of their finished candy canes
Kamron eating a watermlon candy cane

Rolling the candy into canes look at those faces of concentration!

getting ready to make the candy into canes, I know the pictures aren't in order, sorry

It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast, even if the candy didn't turn out the prettiest.


utahbuyeragent said...

That's awesome! You'll have to post how to make them. I'd like to know ;)

Karen said...

They turned out so cute! How fun!

Dayna said...

That is so awesome - I never knew anyone to make their own candy canes how fun!! You guys are such a cute family!!