Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thomas the Train

I took the boys to the Thomas the Train exhibit in Heber tonight. They seemed to like it quite a bit, but I'm not sure it was worth the money. Maybe if Tim had been there to help me with the kids, but he had a meeting for work he had to be at. Kamron didn't want to sit in his stroller, but he is still a little too young to walk on his own. Chase didn't want to wait in line for anything and actually wandered off on his own for a few minutes before I went into a panic looking for him. But they were pretty proud of their tattoos, and went on and on to daddy about Thomas when we got home, so I think they enjoyed it.

Waiting for the train ride to start

Sir Topham Hat. Kamron was too scared of him to be in the picture.


Karen said...

Your boys are so cute! I bet they had a blast!

Dayna said...

So cute!! We thought about going up to that!! I am such the boys had fun - even if it wasn't the funnest for mom, right? ;o)